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Committee Members:
Kenneth Nelson- Rush-Henrietta
Matthew Della Penna- Genesee Valley BOCES Richard Ganino- Caledonia-Mumford
Jeremy Nardone- Caledonia- Mumford
Kurt Keller- Greece
Kevin Maloney- Greece
James Maxwell- Greece
Ricky Van Epps- Greece
James Warner- Greece
Larry Brien- Brockport
Mike Menear- Hilton
Joseph Flansburg- Bloomfield
Cassie Gratton- Upstate Institute
2022 Facilities Conference Gallery
The Facilities Conference took place on July 12-13, 2022
at Burger Junior High, West Henrietta.
The conference included two full days of training, a vendor fair, and Keynote Speaker Tom Murphy.
113 facilities professionals and 17 vendors joined us for this event.
Thank you for helping us make this conference a success!
Congratulations to 2022 Award Winner Lorry Whipple. Thank you, Lorry, for giving 30 years to Upstate Institute; we are forever grateful for your contribution to our conferences!